Bench Staff (Colborne Cramahe Minor Hockey Association)

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Considering completing your coach, trainer or manager courses?

Visit the OMHA website to select the necessary courses. 

Please always confirm a position is available prior to completing courses. 

Along with courses, all bench staff, including on ice volunteers are required to complete a Vulnerable Sector Check and upload it to OHF, along with completing their declaration online. *NOTE*: this is a 3 step process through OHF. 
  1. Register to submit a VSC
  2. Click the necessary link to upload a PDF copy of your VSC
  3. Complete the declaration
If you do not have a completed VSC, you can use this volunteer letter from the OHF website, and submit the request to the Ontario Provincial Police online
Use to confirmation receipt, once you submitted your VSC request, to upload to the OHF, to show your request has been submitted. You can upload your Vulnerable Sector Check once you get the results back. This will take approximately 4 weeks. 

Once all steps have been completed, you must contact the registrar by email to advise of your completion.
[email protected]